Delayed for a Purpose

As the cashier was ringing up my order at Costco he noticed that one of the eggs in the clear plastic container was cracked. “Do you want me to get another package or do you want to forget them,” he asked?      “I need them, and I have time to wait,” I responded. While I waited for the runner to go get a replacement package I reviewed my receipt. “What’s this 14.95,” I asked myself?  The tape showed it was for a package of organic chicken sausages. However I hadn’t bought any sausages for 14.95.  The price should have rung up at 7 dollars. I distinctly remembered looking at the sell price and thinking this was a real bargain. I knew that every once in a while when trying to move product Costco reduced prices on items.

I got the attention of one of the managers who was walking by and told him of the discrepancy between what I saw on the sign and what was on the receipt. We both went back to the refrigeration unit. Indeed the sell price sign said only 7 dollars not 14.95. By the time we came back my replacement $1.96  package of eggs were in my cart. The manager made the adjustments and refunded me S7.95.

Isn’t this like life? Sometimes those minor inconveniences that interrupt or stop our plans are really gifts to help us recover something much more valuable. I have resolved the next time I'm stopped by some unexpected event or minor inconvenience, rather than be annoyed I'm going to look to see if there is something more important I'm supposed to learn from the delay.


  1. That is a good lesson for the rest of us. : )
    I liked that everyone involved was nice too!!

  2. Yes it took a few minutes to get it straightened out, but everyone w as very courteous and professional.


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