To Leave Drama Highway Take Exit P.4:6

I am beginning to wonder are we in the U.S. addicted to drama? I grew up during the reign of the soap operas. These fictional stories preceded the reality series of today.  Friday’s episode was always a cliff hanger so the audience would come back on Monday. I doubt if two paragraphs of dialogue between characters would happen in five days. This genre of story telling was filled with people scheming against each other and hidden secrets waiting to be exposed.

 I've been thinking of the stress inducing drama  I’ve lived  through:The build up to the eruption of Mt. St Helen; Y2K in 1999; A possible asteroid hit in 2015; On going of the big one San Andreas fault-always on the back burner if there is a slow news day; The coming economic meltdown every few years; Food scares( i.e. don’t give your child apple juice) or E.coli;  Ebola or Zika is coming; Weather scares on and on.  I can add many others, for instance our recent election cycle, the longest running political soap opera I’ve seen in my lifetime.

 No wonder so many of us are nervous wrecks. Next big Pharma comes along and wants to help us through the drama by assisting us to medicate ourselves to serenity or sleep. When we wake up drowsy they will provide us with another medication to help us get alert. If you’re not medicated and need to stay awake, there are other companies that will sell you Red Bull or another branded energy drinks. When do we ever say enough is enough?  when do we stop subscribing into the drama and its effects on our bodies and our lives? 

I, for one, am going to re-energize my peace with these calming words from the Bible: “Don’t fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God’s wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It’s wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life."*  I’ve actually had enough drama for a long time! How about you?

* Message Bible Phillipians 4:6


  1. You are right so much drama!!
    After all is said and done God is still in control and I feel secure trusting in Him.

  2. I am convinced the only true peace is trusting that God has a plan and is working all things out to complete His plan.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.


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